Git Essentials

Git is the secret tool that almost every developer uses but nobody talks about it. It’s such a commonplace tool that it’s rarely mentioned on job postings because it’s assumed that, no matter what your skill level is, that you know how to use Git and GitHub.
To learn how to use Git and GitHub does not take 10, 8 or even 6 hours. The truth is Git is a complicated program, but using Git is easy!
There are a number of commands you’ll use every day, and a few other commands you’ll see once or twice a week. Beyond that, you would be learning advanced Git that you’ll never use, ever. Don’t get stuck learning tools and commands that you’ll never use. By taking this course, you are going to learn all the important aspects of Git and GitHub, and you won’t be wasting 6+ hours learning things you’ll never use.
This course is designed to teach you Git the way it’s used every day by a developer who uses it every day.
- Internationally recognised accredited qualification
- Access to our free career advisors
- Approved UK Learning Centre
- 1 year accessibility to the course
- Attain PDF or hardcopy certificate to show employers
- Study at your own pace anywhere
- Employer has access to certificate validation
- Tutor Support available Monday-Friday
- Invitation to job fairs
This Course will cover some of the following topics:-
- How to use Git on the command line (pro tip: it’s more important to learn Git from the command line first than it is to learn how to use a visual tool. Servers don’t have visual programs)
- Installing Git on Windows, Mac and Linux
- How to configure Git on your computer, and add your SSH key
- Creating, cloning and adding files to a GitHub repository
- Managing files, commits and branches
- How to merge branches into other branches
- How to view old files from an older time
- Viewing file differences and how to ignore certain file types
- Forking repos (repositories)
- How to work on GitHub by: Creating custom branches and tags , etc
- How to undo a little work, and a lot of work
- How to rebase
- How to work through merge and rebase conflicts
- And much much more!
Plus we’ll work through lots of real life examples together and get you’ll get hands on experience with all of this by creating your own repositories, forking my repo, and even safely opening a pull request on my work for some seriously hands on experience (because Git is better learned by doing).
This course is suitable for anyone looking to learn Git, Whether you are a beginner or someone who already uses Git, there is lots of information to extract from this course to make life easy when using Git.
This training course will lead you to many different career opportunities, Here are few prospects:
- Web developer – £24,904
- Web designer – £22,780
- Website manager – £24,291
- Web designer and developer – £24,366
Course Features
- Lectures 51
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 3h 22m
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 541
- Certificate Yes
- Assessments Yes
Git Essentials: Introduction
Git Essentials: Beginner Git
- Why the command line?
- Installing Git (Windows Only)
- Installing Git (MacOS and Linux)
- Getting started with GitHub
- Configuring Git on your computer
- Creating and adding an SSH Key
- How to clone a repository
- How to create a new repository on GitHub
- How to push to your GitHub repository
- Git status
- Unstaging a file
- Undeleting a file
- Git origins and remotes
- Git branching
- Committing to a new branch
- Merging a branch into master
- Seeing your Git history
- Downloading updates from GitHub
- How to get updates from GitHub
- Checkout: code-time travel
- files
Git Essentials: Advanced Git
Git Essentials: Launch Your Website Using Github Pages
- Welcome to Launching Your Website Using GitHub Pages
- Setup your free GitHub account
- Create a “special” repository on GitHub
- What is cloning, anyway?
- How to install Git on Windows
- How to install Git on MacOS and Linux
- How to configure your Git settings
- How to “download” your repository to your computer
- Create your first file
- Push your files to your special repository
- Demoing your new website
- Making your website nicer with a theme
- Don’t forget to add your projects to your portfolio!
- How and why you should “ignore” useless/hidden computer files
- Summary: Your final project